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User Manual for MEGAN V3.9

Daniel H. Huson and Stephan C. Schuster

with contributions from Alexander F. Auch, Daniel C. Richter, Suparna Mitra and Qi Ji

March 30, 2010


1. Introduction3
2. Getting Started5
3. Obtaining and Installing the Program5
4. Program Overview6
5. Importing, Reading and Writing Files6
6. The NCBI Taxonomy7
7. The NCBI-NR and NCBI-NT Databases7
8. Identification of COGs7
9. Assigning Reads to Taxa8
10. Assigning Reads to Gene Ontology Terms8
11. Main Window9
11.1. File Menu9
11.2. Edit Menu11
11.3. Select Menu11
11.4. Layout Menu12
11.5. Options Menu13
11.6. Tree Menu14
11.7. Window Menu15
11.8. MEGAN Menu16
11.9. Tool Bar16
11.10. Popup Menus16
11.11. Wheel Mouseand Special Keys17
12. Import Dialog17
13 Inspector Window18
13.1 Inspector Menus18
14. Find Window19
15. GO Analyzer Window20
15.1. Exploring the Read Assignments20
15.2. File Menu21
15.3. Edit Menu22
15.4. Options Menu22
15.5. View Menu23
15.6. Window Menu23
15.7. Tool Bar23
15.8. PopupMenus23
15.9. Wheel Mouseand Special Keys24
16. Format Dialog24
17. Message Window24
18. Parameters Dialog24
19. Compare Dialog25
20. Extractor Dialog25
21. Export Image Dialog25
22. About Window26
23. File Formats26
23.1. The MEGAN Text File Format26
23.2. Full, Summary and Comparison MEGAN Files27
23.3. Required Syntax of BLAST Files28
23.4. Required Format of Read Files28
23.5. Graphics Formats28
23.6. CSV Files28
23.7. Tree and Map Format32
24. Command-Line Options and Mode32
25. Examples34
26. Using More Memory35
27. Acknowledgments35

1 Introduction

Disclaimer: This software is provided ”AS IS” without warranty of any kind. This is developmental code, and we make no pretension as to it being bug-free and totally reliable. Use at your own risk. We will accept no liability for any damages incurred through the use of this software. Use of the MEGAN is free, however the program is not open source.

Type-setting conventions: In this manual we use e.g. Edit→Find to indicate the Find menu item in the Edit menu.

How to cite: If you publish results obtained in part by using MEGAN , then we require that you acknowledge this by citing the program as follows:

• D.H. Huson, A. Auch, Ji Qi and S.C. Schuster, MEGAN analysis of metagenome data, Genome Research. 17:377-386, 2007, software freely available for academic purposes from

The term metagenomics has been defined as “The study of DNA from uncultured organisms” (Jo Handelsman), and an approximately 99% of all microbes are believed to be unculturable. A genome is the entire genetic information of one organism, whereas a metagenome is the entire genetic information of an ensemble of organisms. Metagenome projects can be as complex as large-scale vertebrate projects in terms of sequencing, assembly and analysis.

The aim of MEGAN is to provide a tool for studying the taxonomical content of a set of DNA reads, typically collected in a metagenomics project. In a preprocessing step, a sequence comparison of all reads with a suitable database of reference DNA or protein sequences must be performed to produce an input file for the program.

At start-up, MEGAN first reads in the current NCBI taxonomy (consisting of around 460,000 taxa). A first application of the program is that it facilitates interactive exploration of the NCBI taxonomy.

However, the main application of the program is to parse and analyze a the result of a BLAST comparison of a set of reads against one or more reference databases, typically using BLASTN, BLASTX or BLASTP to compare against NCBI-NT, NCBI-NR or genome specific databases. The result of a such an analysis is an estimation of the taxonomical content (“species profile”) of the sample from which the reads were collected. The program uses a number of different algorithms to “place” reads into the taxonomy by assigning each read to a taxon at some level in the NCBI hierarchy, based on their hits to known sequences, as recorded in the BLAST file.

MEGAN2 introduces many new functionalities, including the ability to open multiple documents and to compute a comparative view of multiple datasets, to extract reads from a set of FastA files by taxon, to compute an analysis of COGs discovered in the dataset, to use accession numbers to help identify reads and some basic charting capabilities. as from version 3.0 onward, MEGAN uses a binary format to save information rather than a text file.

For an example of its application, see [4], where an early version of this software (called GenomeTax onomyBrowser) was used to analyze the taxonomical content of a collection of DNA reads sampled from a mammoth.

This document provides both an introduction and a reference manual for MEGAN .

Getting Started

This section describes how to get started.

First, download an installer for the program from, see Section 3 for details.

Upon startup, the program will automatically load its own version of the NCBI-taxonomy and will then display the first three levels of the taxonomy. To explore the NCBI taxonomy further, leaves of this overview tree can be uncollapsed. To do so, first click on a node to select it. Then, use the Tree→Uncollapse item to show all nodes on the next level of the taxonomy, and use the Tree→Uncollapse Subtree item to show all nodes in the complete subtree below the selected node (or nodes). To explore the NCBI taxonomy in a more directed fashion, open the Edit→Find

dialog, type in (a part of) the name of a taxon of interest and then press the Collapsed taxa target button. This will request MEGAN to search for all matches to the given input and will un-collapse all nodes in the tree necessary to show the matching taxa.

To analyze a data set of reads, first BLAST the reads against a database of reference sequences, such as NCBI-NR [2] using BLASTX [ 1 ] or BLASTP, NCBI-NT [2] using BLASTN [ 1 ], or against one or more genome sequences using BLASTZ [5], say.

Then import the BLAST file into MEGAN using the File→Import BLAST menu item. The Import wizard will ask you to enter the name of the BLAST file, a reads file containing all the read sequences in multi-FastA format (if available), and the name of the new output RMA file.

Some implementations or output formats of BLAST suppress those reads for which no alignments were found. In this case, use the Options→Set Number of Reads menu item to set the total number of reads in the analysis.

Clicking on a node will cause the program to display the exact number of hits of any given node, and the number of hits in the subtree rooted at the node. Right-clicking on a node will show a popup-menu and selecting the first item there, Inspect , will open the Inspector window which is used to explore the hits associated with any given taxon. A node is selected by clicking on it. Double-clciking on a node will select the node and the whole subtree below it. Double-clicking on the label of a node will open the node in the Inspector window.

Example files are provided with the program. They are contained in the examples subdirectory of the installation directory. The precise location of the installation directory depends upon your operating system.

Obtaining and Installing the Program

MEGAN is written in Java and requires a Java runtime environment version 1.5 or newer, freely available from

MEGAN is installed using an installer program that is freely available from There are four different installers, targeting different operating systems:

4 Program Overview

In this section, we give an overview over the main design goals and features of this program. Basic knowledge of the underlying design of the program should make it easier to use the program.

MEGAN is written in the programming language Java. The advantages of this is that we can provide versions that run under the Linux, MacOS, Windows and Unix operating systems.

Typically, after generating a RMA file (read-match archive) from a BLAST file, the user will then interact with the program, using the Find window to determine the presence of key species, collapsing or un-collapsing nodes to produce summary statistics and using the Inspector window to look at the details of the matches that are the basis of the assignment of reads to taxa. The assignment of reads to taxa is computed using the LCA-assignment algorithm, see [3] for details.

The program is designed to operate in two different modes: in a GUI mode, the program provides a GUI for the user to interact with the program. In command-line mode, the program reads commands from a file or from standard input and writes output to files or to standard output.

5 Importing, Reading and Writing Files

To open an existing RMA file or MEGAN file, select the File→Open menu item and then browse to the desired file. Alternatively, if the file was recently opened by the program, then it may be contained in the File→Open Recent submenu.

New input to the program is usually provided as a BLAST file obtained from a BLAST comparison of the given set of reads to a database such as NCBI-NR or NCBI-NT, see Section 23 for details of the file formats used. MEGAN supports BLASTN, BLASTX and BLASTP standard text-format, and BLAST XML format. MEGAN can read gzipped BLAST files directly, so there is no need to un-gzip them (although at present MEGAN processes uncompressed files much faster than compressed ones).

MEGAN can also parse tabular BLAST output (generated using BLAST option -m 8, however as this form of output does not contain the subject line for sequences matched, it is unsuitable for MEGAN because MEGAN cannot determine the taxon or gene associated with the database sequence. However, if you add an additional column to this format containing the associated taxon name or numerical NCBI taxon-id for each line then MEGAN will parse these and use them as input. For unknown taxa, write either unknown or -1 in the column.

Note that the reads file should be given to use the full potential of the program.

The BLAST file and reads file are supplied to MEGAN when setting up a new MEGAN project. Both files are parsed and all information is stored in the project file. The input data is then analyzed and can be interactively explored. All reads and BLAST matches are contained in the project file and MEGAN provides different mechanisms for extracting them again. A MEGAN

project file contains all reads and all significant BLAST matches (by default, up to 100 matches per read) in a binary and incrementally compressed format. The size of such a project file is around 20% of the size of the original input files and is thus usually smaller than the file that one obtains by simply compressing the BLAST file.

MEGAN also provides the option of saving an analysis as a summary only. A summary contains only information on how many reads were assigned to each taxon. The analysis can not be changed or queried. The corresponding file is very small.

MEGAN supports import of data from other programs in a comma-separated format from a CSV file.

6 The NCBI Taxonomy

The NCBI taxonomy provides unique names and IDs for over 350,000 taxa, including approximately 25,000 prokaryotes, 84,000 animals, 65,000 plants, and 17,000 viruses. The individual species are hierarchically grouped into clades at the levels of: Superkingdom, Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, and Species (and some unofficial clades in between).

At startup, MEGAN automatically loads a copy of the complete NCBI and then displays the taxonomy as a rooted tree. The taxonomy is stored in an NCBI tree file and an NCBI mapping file, which are supplied with the program.

7 The NCBI-NR and NCBI-NT Databases

The NCBI-NR (“non-redundant”) protein sequence database is available from the NCBI website. It contains entries from GenPept, Swissprot, PIR, PDF, PDB and RefSeq. It is non-redundant in the sense that identical sequences are merged into a single entry.

The NCBI-NT nucleotide sequence database is available from the NCBI website. It contains entries from GenBank and is not non-redundant. It contains untranslated gene coding sequences and also mRNA sequences.

8 Identification of COGs

The program will attempt to map any read to a COG , that is, to cluster of orthologous groups of proteins, see

At present, this is done simply by looking for COG identifiers in the header line of the BLAST hits, e.g. COG009 will be intrepreted as COG number 009. Some entries in the NR database contain such COG identifiers.

We assume that only references sequences of COGs are contained in the NR database, but have not checked this. Hence, it may be necessary to run a separate BLAST comparison against the COG database (after modifying the headers there appropriately so that they contain COG identifiers as described above).

Assigning Reads to Taxa

The main problem addressed by MEGAN is to compute a “species profile” by assigning the reads from a metagenomics sequencing experiment to appropriate taxa in the NCBI taxonomy. At present, this program implements the following naive approach to this problem:

  1. Compare a given set of DNA reads to a database of known sequences, such as NCBI-NR or NCBI-NT [2], using a sequence comparison tool such as BLAST [ 1 ].
  2. Process this data to determine all hits of taxa by reads.
  3. For each read r, let H be the set of all taxa that r hits.
  4. Find the lowest node v in the NCBI taxonomy that encompasses the set of hit taxa H and assign the read r to the taxon represented by v.

We call this the LCA-assignment algorithm (LCA = “lowest common ancestor”). In this approach, every read is assigned to some taxon. If the read aligns very specifically only to a single taxon, then it is assigned to that taxon. The less specifically a read hits taxa, the higher up in the taxonomy it is placed. Reads that hit ubiquitously may even be assigned to the root node of the NCBI taxonomy.

The program provides a threshold for the bit score of hits. Any hit that falls below the threshold is discarded. Secondly, a threshold can be set to discard any hit whose score falls below a given percentage of the best hit. Finally, a third threshold can be used to report only taxa that are hit by a minimal number of reads. By default, the program requires at least two reads to hit a taxon, before the taxon is deemed present.

Taxa in the NCBI taxonomy can be excluded from this analysis. For example, taxa listed under root -unclassified sequences -metagenomes may give rise to matches that force the algorithm to place reads on the root node of the taxonomy. This feature is controlled by Options→Taxon Disabling menu. At present, the set of disabled taxa is saved as a program property and not as part of the Megan document.

10 Assigning Reads to Gene Ontology Terms

Besides the taxonomical analysis, MEGAN provides functionality to obtain information about the functional content of a metagenomic data set. Therefore, a module, named GOAnalyzer, assigns read matches derived from a BLASTX comparison against the NCBI-NR database to terms of the Gene Ontology (GO), see

GO provides three sets of structured vocabularies that describe biological processes, molecular functions and cellular components. Each of these three ontologies is represented by a directed acyclic graph (DAG) that contains uniquely defined GO terms (as nodes) and the relationships among them (as edges). GO is hierarchically structured, i.e. GO terms can be parent of child terms (e.g., taxis” is a child term of behavior”) and child terms may have more than one parent term.

The GOAnalyzer uses the header information of BLAST hits and a pre-computed mapping file to assign environmental reads to GO terms. The mapping is based on RefSeq identifiers http://www. and uses the associations provided in ftp://ftp.pir.georgetown. edu/databases/idmapping/idmapping.tb.gz. To reduce complexity, we use a variant of the LCA algorithm to modify the mapping such that each RefSeq identifier maps to at most three GO terms, one for each of the three ontologies. When blasting reads against a database, most reads that have hits usually map to multiple entries. These often correspond to different RefSeq identifiers and thus different GO terms. By applying the LCA algorithm, each read is mapped to at most one GO term in each of the three ontologies. This reduction greatly simplifies the problem of analyzing and navigating the large numbers of reads contained in typical metagenomic data sets.

11 Main Window

The Main window is used to display the taxonomy and to control the program via the main menus. Initially, at startup, before reopening or creating a new RMA file, the Main window displays the NCBI taxonomy. By default, the taxonomy is only drawn to its second level. Parts of the taxonomy, or the full taxonomy, can be explored using the menu items of the window.

Once a data set has been read in, the full NCBI taxonomy is replaced by the taxonomy that is induced by the data set. The size of nodes indicates the number of reads that have been assigned to the nodes using the algorithm described in Section 9.

Double-clicking on a node will produce a textual report stating how many reads have been assigned to the corresponding taxon and how many reads have been assigned in total to the taxon and to any of the taxa below the given node in summary.

Subtrees can be collapsed and expanded, as described below.

We now discuss all menus of the Main window.

11.1 File Menu

The File menu contains the following file-related items:

  • The File→New item opens a new, empty MEGAN window.
  • The File→Open item provides an Open File dialog to open one or more RMA files containing input data.
  • The File→Open Recent item can be used to re-open a recently opened files. The File→Save As item can be used to to save comparison files or summary files. A RMA file is kept sycronized with the program and thus need not be saved.
    • The File→Import BLAST item is used to import new data into MEGAN. The user is presented with a Import wizard panel which can be used to specify the BLAST file and reads file to import and the name of the new RMA file to create. The Import wizard contains additional tabbed panes for advanced users to set additional options. reads file and BLAST file back out of the project.
        • The File→Export→Assignments menu is used to export a summary of the read assignments in “comma-separated-values” (CSV) format. There are a number of possible listings to export:
          • Select read-id,taxon-name to list read identifiers and the names of the taxa that they have been assigned to.
          • Select read-id,taxon-id to list read identifiers and the ids of the taxa that they have been assigned to.
          • Select taxon-id,count(s) to list taxon ids and the number of reads that have been assigned to each taxon. If applied to a comparison file, the first line of the output will contain all file names and then the subsequent lines will contain the numbers for each file. The numbers return reflect the number of reads assigned to a node, unless the node is a leaf of the currently visible taxonomy, in which case the number of reads summarized by the node is returned.
          • Select taxon-name,count(s) to obtain the same output as for the previous item, but using taxon names instead of ids.
          • Select taxon-id,read-id(s) to list taxon ids and the ids of all reads assigned to each taxon.
          • Select taxon-name,read-id(s) to obtain the same output as for the previous item, but using taxon names instead of ids.
          • Select read-id,RefSeq-id to obtain a mapping of read-ids to the RefSeq-id of the highest-scoring match for the read.
      • The File→Export→Reads menu item is used to export all reads from the project. If any nodes are selected, then only the reads assigned to those nodes are exported.
      • The File→Export→Blast menu item is used to extract all BLAST matches from the project. If any nodes are selected, then only the BLAST matches of reads assigned to those nodes are exported.
      • The File→Export→Summary menu item can be used to generate a summary file from a given project. A summary contains only information on how many read where assigned to each taxon. The analysis can not be changed or queried. The corresponding file is very small.
  • The File→Export Image item opens the Export Image dialog which is used to save the current tree in a number of different graphics formats, see Section 23.5. The File→Page Setup item is used to setup the page for printing.
  • The File→Print item is used to print the current tree.
  • The File→Compare item is used to open the Compare dialog which is used to setup a comparative analysis of multiple datasets.
  • The File→Extract Reads by Taxa item is used to open the Extractor dialog, which is used to extract all reads assigned to a given part of the taxonomy.
  • The File→Extract Reads by COG item is used to extract all reads assigned to a given COG.
  • The File→Import CSV item is used to import data from a comma-separated CSV file.
  • The File→Tools submenu contains menu items for loading alternative tree and mapping files.
  • The File→Properties item displays a summary of the current data. This window also shows which versions of the NCBI taxonomy , NCBI microbial attributes and COGs are used by the program.
  • The File→Close item is used to close a window.
  • The File→Quit item quits the program. Under MacOS, this item is contained in the MEGAN menu.

11.2 Edit Menu

The Edit menu contains the usual edit-related items:

  • The Edit→Cut item is used to cut text, e.g. when editing the label of a node.
  • The Edit→Copy item is used to copy text or to copy the current tree as an image.
  • The Edit→Paste item is used to paste text.
  • The Edit→Edit Node Label item is used edit the labels of nodes.
  • The Edit→Edit Edge Label item is used to edit the labels of edges.
  • The Edit→Format menu item opens the Format window that can be used to change the font, size, line width and color of nodes and edges.
  • The Edit→Find item opens the Find window which can be used to search for taxa and reads.
  • The Edit→Find Again finds the next occurrence of a search string.
  • The Edit→Preferences submenu contains items for setting preferences:

– The Edit→Preferences→Show Legend item determines whether to show or hide the data sets legend in the main window. By default, this is off for single datasets and on for comparisons. The Edit→Preferences→Edit Comparison Colors item can be used to change the colors used in a comparison of datasets.

11.3 Select Menu

The Select menu contains items for selecting different sets of nodes in the taxonomy.

  • The Select→All Nodes item is used to select all nodes.
  • The Select→None item is used to deselect all nodes.
  • The Select→From Previous Window item applies the selection in window previously on top to the window currently on top. This feature is useful for comparing the contents of different windows.
  • The Select→All Leaves item is used to select all leaves.
  • The Select→All Internal Nodes item is used to select all internal nodes.
  • The Select→All Intermediate Nodes item is used to select all intermediate nodes, that is, nodes with exactly one in-edge and one out-edge.
  • The Select→Subtree item is used to select all nodes below any currently selected node.
  • The Select→Invert item is used to invert the current node selection.
  • The Select→Level item opens a sub menu that can be used to selecte taxa by their taxonomical level such as Kingdom, Phyla, Class, Order, Family etc.

11.4 Layout Menu

The Layout menu contains items that control aspects of the visualization of the tree.

    • The Layout→Expand/Contract item provides a submenu for expanding or contracting the picture of the tree, to a certain degree:
      • The Layout→Expand/Contract→Expand Horizontal item expands the picture of the tree horizontally.
      • The Layout→Expand/Contract→Contract Horizontal item contracts the picture of the tree horizontally.
      • The Layout→Expand/Contract→Expand Vertical expands the picture of the tree vertically.
      • The Layout→Expand/Contract→Contract Vertical contracts the picture of the tree vertically.
  • The Layout→Font Size item is used to set the font size of all labels on the tree.
  • If the Layout→Layout Labels item is checked, then the program will attempt to layout node labels in a none-overlapping fashion.
  • If the Layout→Scale Nodes By Assigned item is selected, then the size of every node is scaled by the number of reads assigned to the corresponding taxon.
  • If the Layout→Scale Nodes By Summarized item is selected, then the size of every node is scaled by the number of reads assigned to the corresponding taxon, or assigned to any taxon below the node.
  • The Layout→Set Max Node Radius allows the user to specify the maximum size (in pixels) a node can obtain.
  • The Layout→Zoom to Selection item is used to zoom to all selected nodes and edges in the tree.
  • The Layout→Fully Contract item is used to contract the picture of the tree to its smallest size.
  • The Layout→Fully Expand item is used to expand the picture of the tree to its largest size.
  • The Layout→Draw Circles item ensures that nodes are drawn as circles. Please note that the size of circles is scaled logarithmically.
  • The Layout→Draw Pie Charts item ensures that nodes are drawn as pie charts. Please note that the size of each pie chart is scaled logarithmically to indicate the total number of reads assigned to the node, but the proportions of the pie assigned to different datasets is scaled linearly by the number of reads.
  • The Layout→Draw Heat Maps item ensures that nodes are drawn as heat maps. Please note that colors are scaled logarithmically.
  • The Layout→Draw Heat Maps 2 shows a pairwise comparison of two or more datasets as a heat map for each node. Please note that colors are scaled logarithmically.
  • The Layout→Draw Meters item ensures that nodes are drawn as meters. Please note that the meters are scaled logarithmically.
  • The Layout→Draw Leaves Only item ensures that only leaves are drawn.
  • The Layout→Highlight Differences item turns on a simple statistical test that highlights significantly different nodes in a comparison of two datasets.

11.5 Options Menu

The Options menu contains the following items:

  • The Options→Change LCA Parameters item opens the Parameters dialog that allows one to change the parameters used by the LCA algorithm and to then rerun the analysis.
    • The Options→Taxon Disabling sub menu contains menu items for disabling taxa or enabling taxa. Disabled taxa are ignored by the algorithms used to place reads into the taxonomy. The main viewer shows disabled taxa in grey. By default, all environmental samples and similar taxa are disabled. There are three items:
      • the Options→Taxon Disabling→Enable All item enables all taxa.
      • the Options→Taxon Disabling→Disable Selected item disables all currently selected taxa.
      • the Options→Taxon Disabling→Enable Selected item enables all currently selected taxa.
    • – the Options→Taxon Disabling→List Disabled item lists all currently disabled items.
  • Use the Options→Set Number of Reads item to set the total number of reads in the analysis. By default, this number is set to the number of different reads encountered in the input file.
  • The Options→List Summary item produces a textual report on how many reads hit each of the nodes in the taxonomy. To format is readid taxon-name, where the two are separated by a tab.
  • The Options→List Microbial Attributes produces a textual summary of the taxon represented by the selected node.
  • The Options→List COGs item produces a textual report on which reads are assigned to which COG.
  • The Options→Open NCBI Web Page shows the NCBI taxonomy web page for the selected taxon.
  • The Options→Inspect item is used to display the currently selected taxa in the Inspector window. Double-clicking on the label of a node has the same effect.

11.6 Tree Menu

The Tree menu contains the following items:

  • The Tree→Collapse can be used to collapse the subtree below a selected node, thus summarizing the subtree by the node.
  • The Tree→Collapse Nodes at Level prompts the user for the input of a level and then collapses all nodes whose distance (number of edges) to the root of the tree equals the given level. By default, if no data is given, the program displays the full NCBI taxonomy, collapsed at level 2.
  • The Tree→Collapse Nodes at Taxonomical Level provides a submenu which allows the user to collapse nodes at the level of Kingdom, Phyla, Class, Order, Family etc.
  • The Tree→Uncollapse item “un-collapses” a selected collapsed node by displaying all the children of the node.
  • The Tree→Uncollapse Subtree item “un-collapses” the whole subtree below a selection of nodes.
  • If the Tree→Show Taxon Names item is selected, nodes are labeled by NCBI taxon names.
  • If the Tree→Show Taxon IDs item is selected, nodes are labeled by NCBI IDs.
  • If the Tree→Show Number Of Reads Assigned item is selected, nodes are labeled by the number of reads assigned to the corresponding taxa.
    • If the Tree→Show Number Of Reads Summarized item is selected, nodes are labeled
    • by the number of reads assigned to the corresponding taxa, or to any that contained in the subtree.
  • The Tree→Labels On item sets the label of selected nodes to visible.
  • The Tree→Labels Off item sets the label of selected nodes to invisible.
  • If the Tree→Show Intermediate Labels item is selected, the labels of all “intermediate nodes” of degree two in the induced taxonomy are shown. By default, this is turned off.

11.7 Window Menu

The Window menu contains the following items:

  • The Window→About item shows information about the version of MEGAN . When the program is run under MacOS, this menu item appears in the MEGAN menu.
  • The Window→How to cite item gives instructions on how to cite the program.
  • The Window→Website item opens the programs website in a browser.
  • The Window→Register item allows the user to register their copy of the program using a key obtained from the program website.
  • The Window→Message Window item opens the Message window and brings it to the front.
  • The Window→Inspector Window item opens the Inspector window that can be used to inspect the alignments that are the basis of the assignment of reads to taxa.
  • The Window→Microbial Attributes Window items opens a new window showing various physiological features associated with a each read-assigned microbial organism. The classification is adapted from the NCBI microbial attributes table.
  • The Window→Chart Taxa item opens a window that provides different types of charts summarizing taxon assignments.
  • The Window→Chart COGs item opens a window that provides different types of charts summarizing COG assignments.
  • The Window→Chart Microbial Attributes item opens a window that provides different types of charts summarizing attributes of the taxa.
  • The Window→Command syntax item lists all valid commands.
  • The Window→Enter a command item can be used to execute a command.

The bottom of the Window menu contains a list of all open windows.

11.8 MEGAN Menu

Under MacOS, there is an additional, standard menu associated with the program, called the MEGAN menu. As usual, this contains the Window→About and File→Quit menu items.

11.10 Popup Menus

The Main window provides three different popup menus, that are activated by right-clicking on a node, an edge or the background in the Main window. (If are using a single button mouse under MacOS, then please control-click to access these menus.)

The popup menu that is opened when a node is right-clicked on has the following items:

  • The Inspect adds the selected node to the Inspector window and opens that window, if necessary.
  • The Edit Node Label opens a dialog to change the label of the selected node.
  • The Copy Node Label copies the node label to the system clipboard.
  • The Collapse item collapses (hides) the subtree below the selected node.
  • The Uncollapse item un-collapses the children of the selected node.
  • The Uncollapse Subtree item un-collapses the subtree below the selected node.
  • The List Microbial Attributes produces a textual summary of the taxon represented by the selected node.
  • The Extract Reads By Taxa stores the reads assigned to selected taxa into one or more FASTA files. A dialog window allows the user to choose output directory as well as file names.
  • The Labels On is used to make the label of a node visible.
  • The Labels Off is used to make the label of a node invisible.
  • The Open NCBI Web Page shows the NCBI taxonomy web page for the selected taxon.
  • The Copy Edge Label copies the node label to the system clipboard.
  • The Edit Edge Label opens a dialog to change the label of the selected edge.

The popup menu that is opened when an edge is right-clicked on has the following items: If the shift-key is pressed when using the popup menu for either an edge or a node, then the chosen item is applied to all currently selected edges or nodes, and not just to the one hit by the mouse-clicks.

11.11 Wheel Mouse and Special Keys

Use of a wheel mouse is recommended for zooming of the Main window. The default is vertical zoom . For horizontal zoom , additionally press the alt key.

To scroll the graph, either press and drag the mouse (using the right mouse button), or use the arrow keys. To zoom the graph in verticial or horizontal direct, press the shift-key while using the arrow keys. To increase the zoom factor, additionally press the alt key or the control key.

To select a region of nodes using the mouse, while pressing the shift key, click and then drag the mouse in the window.

12 Import Dialog

The Import dialog is used to import new data from BLAST and to create a new RMA file. The dialog has five tabbed panes.

The first tabbed pane titled the Wizard pane provides an Import wizard for creating a new RMA file. The user is first asked to specify a BLAST file, then a reads file and finally, the name of the new RMA file to be created. Once this information has been collected, the user can press the Apply button to import the data.

The other four panes are for advanced users.

The second tabbed pane titled the Content pane can be used to specify whether the COG content shall be analyzed, additional to an analysis of the taxonomical content.

The third tabbed pane titled the Files pane can be used to setup the location of files. The first two items are used to specify the location of the input files to be read, namely the BLAST file and the reads file. The third item is used to specify the location of the new RMA file. This pane provides two options. The Max number of matches per read file specifies how many matches per read to save in the RMA file. A small value will reduce the size of the RMA file, but may exclude some important matches. By default, the 100 highest scoring matches per read are save. If the Save As Summary Only check box is selected, then the data will be saved in a small summary file rather than a full RMA file. A summary contains only information on how many read where assigned to each taxon. The analysis can not be changed or queried. The corresponding file is very small.

The fourh tabbed pane titled the LCA Parameters pane contains all items of the Parameters dialog which allows one to set the parameters used by the LCA algorithm. Because re-computation of an analysis can take quite long on a very large dataset, it is recommended to set these values at this stage.

The last tabbed pane titled the Advanced Options pane controls how MEGAN attempts to identify the taxon associated with a given BLAST hit. By default, MEGAN looks for the name of a taxon in the header line of the subject sequence, which is the fastest option.

The Parse taxon names checkbox specifies that the program first attempts to obtain the taxon name from the BLAST hit header lines. The Load Accession Lookup opens a menu that can be used to load the accession lookup directory. This directory contains a number of binary format files used by MEGAN to map accession numbers to taxon ids and taxon names. This directory is very large and thus not part of the MEGAN distribution. It can be downloaded from http://www The Use Accession Lookup check box item is used to turn the use of accession lookup on and off. Please note that identifying taxa using accession lookup is much slower than just using name parsing and thus should only be used when really needed. The Load Synonyms File can be used to load a file of customized synonyms to help identify taxa, e.g. human for homo sapiens. Each line of a synonyms file should contain two strings, separated by a tab, the synonym followed by the taxon name. The Use Synonyms check box item is used to turn use of Synonyms on and off.

13 Inspector Window

The Inspector Window can be used to inspect the alignments that are the basis of the assignment of reads to taxa. It can be opened either using the Window→Inspector Window menu item or by right-clicking on a taxon and then selecting the Inspect popup item. This window displays data hierarchically using a data tree. The root node of this tree represents the current input file. This window can only be opened when data has been loaded into the program.

Any taxon added to the window, either by right-clicking a taxon and then selecting the Inspect popup item in the main viewer, or by using the Options→Show Taxon item, is shown at a second level below the root. Clicking on such a taxon node will open a new level of nodes, each read node representing a read that has been assigned to the named taxon. Clicking on a read node will then open a new level of nodes, each such read hit node representing an alignment of the given read to a sequence associated with some taxon. Finally, double-clicking on a read hit node will display the actual BLAST alignment provided to deduce the relationship.

13.1 Inspector Menus

The Inspector window has three menus. The File menu contains the following items:

  • The File→Save As saves the currently displayed data to a file, not implemented.
  • The File→Print prints the currently displayed data, not implemented.
  • The File→Close item closes the Inspector window.
  • The Edit→Select All item is used to select the whole text.
  • The Edit→Cut item is used to cut text.

  • The Edit→Copy item is used to copy text.
  • The Edit→Paste item is used to paste text.
  • The Edit→Clear item is used to clear all displayed data.

The Edit menu contains the following items: The Options menu contains the following items:

  • The Options→Show Taxon item prompts the user for a taxon name or ID and then adds the named taxon to the list of displayed data, if at least one read has been assigned to the taxon.
  • The Options→Show Read item prompts the user for a read ID and then adds the named read to the list of displayed data.
  • If the Options→Collapse item is clicked, the subnodes of the highlighted entry are collapsed.
  • If the Options→Expand item is clicked, the subnodes of the highlighted entry are displayed.
  • If the Options→Ignore Hit item is clicked, then all currently selected hits are given the status “to be ignored”. Such hits are ignored by all algorithms and are not used to decide where to place a given read. All hits that have been marked in this way are shown in red. This item is also available via right clicking in the window.
  • The Options→Use Hit item is used to remove the “to be ignored” status from all selected hits. This item is also available via right clicking in the window.
  • The Options→Use All Hits item is used to remove the “to be ignored” status from all hits.
  • The Options→Apply Ignore/Use Changes item is used to rerun the taxonomical analysis of the dataset, taking the change of the “to be ignored” status of hits into account.

14 Find Window

The Find window can be opened using the Edit→Find item. It’s purpose is to find taxa or reads. Enter a query specifying a name or ID of a taxon in the top text region. Use the following check boxes to parameterize the search:

  • If the Whole words only item is selected, then only taxa or reads matching the complete query string will be returned.
  • If the Case sensitive item is selected, then the case of letters is distinguished in comparisons.
  • If the Regular Expression item is selected, then the query is interpreted as a Java regular expression.

Press the Close, Find First or Find Next buttons to close the dialog, or find the first, or next occurrence of the query, respectively. Press the Find All button to find all occurrences of the query.

The direction in which the next match is searched for can be selected using the Forward and Backward buttons.

The search can be applied to different targets:

    Nodes -search all node labels

  • Collapsed Nodes -search among the collapsed nodes and then uncollapse any found nodes
  • Edges -search among edge labels

  • Reads -search among the set of reads. Here, the whole header line of each read is searched.
  • BLAST hits -search among the set of BLAST hits. Here, the whole text of each match is searched.
  • Messages -search among text in the Messages window.

Press the From File button to load a set of queries, one per line, from a file. If no data has been loaded into the program, then it can be used to explore the NCBI taxonomy.

15 GOAnalyzer Window

The GOAnalyzer window enables to analyze the functional content of a metagenome using the classification structure of the Gene Ontology (GO). Nodes represent the GO terms whereas edges represent the relationships. The read assignment to GO terms are visualized in an interactive graph view displaying all GO terms found in the data set and, additionally, all nodes that lie on the path towards the root node. The amount of read hits per GO term in the DAG is represented with a color gradient.

The comparison views are the same that MEGAN uses for the taxonomical analysis (pie chart, heatmap, meters). The GO terms are organized in an interactive graph view that lets you zoom and inspect the data (inspector and chart tool are available). The panel on the left shows exactly how many reads are assigned to a certain GO term. Double-clicking on a node will highlight its path in the graph. A triple-click will additionally, highlight its child terms in the list. The mouse-wheel can be used to zoom into or out of the graph. Clicking the right button and, at the same time, moving the mouse will scroll the graph view in the corresponding direction.

15.1 Exploring the Read Assignments

Besides the displayed graph view, the GOAnalyzer window contains an information panel (on the left) to explore GO terms of the read assignment. By default, a tabular listing provides a comprehensive overview of all GO terms that have been assigned with read sequences. In addition to the number of the assigned reads for each data set, the following columns are listed:

    GO Term: the full name of the GO term

  • Specificity: The specificty score of each GO term is computed as follows: This value is based on the Shannon Information Content (IC) and on the number of annotated genes for each term as listed here: The IC of a term reflects the frequency of gene annotations to that term (or to descendants in the sub graph of that term). Terms often used for annotated gene products are assigned with a lower specificity than infrequently used terms. Formulas adapted from 1000431#s3 and
  • Level: The graph level of a term indicates the maximum path length to this term node starting at the root node. If a term can be reached via multiple paths, only the maximum path length is considered.
  • Divergence: (only for the comparative analysis): The divergence of each GO term represents the maximum difference in read assignments between the compared data sets. Large divergences likely indicate GO terms of interest.
  • Reads Total: (only for the comparative analysis): The sum of reads for all data sets assigned to each GO term.

We now discuss all menus of the GOAnalyzer window.

15.2 File Menu

The File menu contains the following file-related items:

    • The File→Export submenu contains items for data export:
      • The File→Export Graph View is used to save the current GO graph as .jpg file.
      • The File→Export Table View item is used export an image of the tabular listing of the GO terms as .jpg file.
      • The File→Export Read Assignment item is used to export the tabular listing as tab-delimited text file.
  • The File→Page Setup item is used to setup the page for printing.
  • The File→Print item is used to print the current GO graph visualization.
    • The File→Close item is used to close a window.
    • 15.3 Edit Menu
  • The Edit→Copy GO ID(s) item is used to copy the GO term identifiers of the selected nodes.
  • The Edit→Copy GO Name(s) item is used to copy the GO term names of the selected nodes.
  • The Edit→Find item opens the Find window which can be used to search for GO term names or IDs.
    • The Edit→Preferences submenu contains items for setting preferences:
      • The Edit→Preferences→Optimize View For Large Data Sets item draws the GO graph in a more optimzed way to save computation time: Edges are no longer round-shaped and anti-aliasing is turned off.
      • The Edit→Preferences→Show Colored Read Assignment Table item can be used to turn on and off the heat-map-like coloring of the tabular listing.
      • The Edit→Preferences→Antialiased Painting item can be used to turn on and off anti-aliasing.
      • The Edit→Preferences→Set Label Font Size item can be used to change the font size of the node labels.
      • The Edit→Preferences→Synchronize GO Term Selection item can be used to turn on and off the automatic focussing of nodes in the view when the user clicks on an entry in the list.
      • The Edit→Preferences→Node Coloring item can be used to change node color scheme (blue/red).
      • The Edit→Preferences→Show Node Labels item can be used to choose whether the node labels should be visible.

15.4 Options Menu

  • The Options→Select Subgraph item is used to select all child nodes of currently selected nodes.
  • The Options→Highlight Paths of Selected Nodes item is used to highlight all paths of the currently selected nodes.
  • The Options→Highlight Incident Nodes of Selected Edges item is used to select all incident nodes of currently selected edges.
  • The Options→Show GO Term in List item is used select and focus the GO terms in the list of the corresponding selected nodes in the graph view.
  • The Options→Inspect GO item is used to display the currently selected GO terms in the Inspector window.
    • The Options→Extract Reads By GOs item is used to extract all read sequences assigned to the selected GO terms.
    • 15.5 View Menu
  • The View→Show All 3 ontologies item is used to display all three ontologies (whole GO graph).
  • The View→Fit Content item is used to fit the view to the window size.
  • The View→Generic GO Slim item is used switch to the Generic GO Slim .
  • The View→GOA and Proteome GO Slim item is used to switch to the GOA and Proteome GO Slim.
  • The View→Plant GO Slim item is used to switch to the Plant GO Slim.
  • The View→Prokaryotic Subset item to switch to the Prokaryotic Subset of GO terms.
  • The View→Yeast GO Slim item is used to switch to the yeast GO Slim.
  • The View→Full View item is used display the full Gene Ontology (instead of slim versions).

15.6 Window Menu

• The Window→Chart GO item is used to open a chart window displaying the selected GO terms as bar or pie chart.

15.7 Tool Bar

The GOAnalyzer window provides a tool bar containing buttons that provide short cuts to some of the menu items associated with the window. These are the Zoom in and out button, View→Fit Content , Edit→Find , Options→Inspect GO , Options→Chart GO , Options→Extract Reads By GOs , Draw Nodes As Rectangles, Draw Nodes As Pie Charts, Draw Nodes As Heatmaps, Draw Nodes As Pairwise Comparison Heatmaps, Draw Nodes As Meters, and a drop-down list providing quick access to the View→Full View or the GO slims.

15.8 Popup Menus

The GOAnalyzer window provides two different popup menus, that are activated by right-clicking on a node or an edge. (If are using a single button mouse under MacOS, then please control-click to access these menus.)

The popup menu that is opened when a node is right-clicked on has the following items:

  • The Copy GO ID(s) copies the GO ID(s) of all selected nodes.
  • The Copy GO Names copies the GO term names of all selected nodes.
  • The Select Subgraph item is used to select all child nodes of currently selected nodes.
  • The Highlight Paths of Selected Nodes item is used to highlight all paths of the currently selected nodes.
  • The Options→Show GO Term in List item is used select and focus the GO terms in the list of the corresponding selected nodes in the graph view.

The popup menu that is opened when an edge is right-clicked on has the following items:

• The Options→Highlight Incident Nodes of Selected Edges item is used select all incident nodes of currently selected edges.

15.9 Wheel Mouse and Special Keys

Use of a wheel mouse is recommended for zooming of the GOAnalyzer window. To scroll the graph, either press and drag the mouse (using the right mouse button), or use the arrow keys.

16 Format Dialog

The Format dialog is opened using the Edit→Format item. This is used to change the font, color, size and line width of all selected nodes and edges. Also, it can be used to turn labels on and off.

17 Message Window

The Message window is opened using the Window→Message Window item. The program writes all messages to this window. The window contains the usual File and Edit menu items.

18 Parameters Dialog

The Parameters dialog is used to control the parameters of the LCA-assignment algorithm. It can be invoked by selecting Options→Change LCA Parameters . The dialog options are:

  • The Min Support item can be used to set a threshold for the minimum support that a taxon requires, that is, the number of reads that must be assigned to it so that it appears in the result. Any read that is assigned to a taxon that does not have the required support is counted as unassigned. By default, the minimum number of reads required for a taxon to appear in the result is 5.
  • The Min Score item can be used to set a minimum threshold for the bit score of hits. Any hit in the input data set that scores less than the given threshold is ignored.
  • The Top Percentage item can be used to set a threshold for the maximum percentage by which the score of a hit may fall below the best score achieved for a given read. Any hit that falls below this threshold is discarded.
  • The Win Score item can be used to try and separate matches due to sequence identity and ones due to homology. If a win score is set, then, for a given read, if any match exceeds the win score, only matches exceeding the win score (“winners”) are used to place the given read. The hope is that secondary, homology-induced matches are discarded in the presence of stronger primary matches.

19 Compare Dialog

The Compare dialog is opened using the File→Compare item. This dialog provides a list of currently open datasets. To construct a comparison, select at least two different datasets and then press “ok”. Select Use absolute counts , if you want the comparison the original counts of reads for each dataset. Select Normalize over all reads , if you want all counts to be normalized such that each dataset has 100,000 reads. Select Ignore ’Not Assigned’ and ’No Hits’ , if you want all reads assigned to the two special nodes labeled ’Not Assigned’ and ’No Hits’ to be ignored.

20 Extractor Dialog

The Extractor dialog is opened using the File→Export→Reads item. The dialog is used to extract all reads assigned to selected taxa. For any selected taxon, all reads assigned to it, or to any taxon below it in the hierarchy, are saved to a file.

Use the top Browse button to add specify a file containing DNA reads in FastA format. Use the button multiple times to specify multiple files. Use the lower Browse button to specify the output directory. Specify the file name for output in the File name field. If the name contains %t, then the program will produce one output file per taxon, and the name of the file is generated by replacing %t by the taxon name. Otherwise, all reads are written to one file.

If Preserve existing files is selected, the program will not overwrite existing files.

21 Export Image Dialog

The Export Image dialog is opened using the File→Export Image item. This dialog is used to save a picture of the current tree in a number of different formats, see Section 23.5.

The format is chosen from a menu. There are two radio buttons Save whole image to save the whole image, and Save visible image to save only the part of the image that is currently visible in the main viewer. If the chosen format is EPS, then selecting the Convert text to graphics check box will request the program to render all text as graphics, rather than fonts.

Pressing the apply button will open a standard file save dialog to determine where to save the graphics file.

22 About Window

The About Window is opened using the Window→About item. It reports the version of the program.

23 File Formats

MEGAN uses its own file formats to store the data describing the result of a sequence comparison computation between a file of DNA reads and a database of reference sequences, such as computed by BLASTX, BLASTP or BLASTN [1]. Files ending in .rma are in a compressed binary format called RMA (read-match archive), which is a new open format that we will describe in a separate document. MEGAN 1 used a text format (files ending on .megan or .meg), which are now deprecated and will not be supported by futher versions of the program. By convention, we use the suffix .megan for MEGAN text files and .rma for binary read-match archive files.

A RMA file is generated using the File→Import BLAST menu item from a BLAST file and a read file . A RMA file contains all reads and all significant BLAST matches (by default, up to 100 matches per read) in a compressed format, which we call read-match archive (RMA) format. The size of such a file is around 10-20% of the size of the original input files and is thus usually smaller than the file that one obtains by simply compressing the BLAST file. The file is indexed and thus provides MEGAN with fast access to data stored in it. The reads and matches can be extracted from the file and so the MEGAN file provides a means of keeping all reads, BLAST matches and analysis in one document.

RMA is an open format which we will describe in a separate document.

23.1 The MEGAN Text File Format

MEGAN also supports a line-based format and each line defines either a global variable or a read hit. A line starting with a ’#’ is treated as a comment and is ignored.

Global variables should appear at the top of the file, although this is not enforced. Any line starting with a ’@’ is expected to contain the definition of a global variable in the format @name=value, where name can be any word starting with a letter and not containing a ’=’, and value is terminated by the end of line. The following global variables are generated by the parsers implemented in MEGAN Any line not starting with a ’@’ or ’#’ describes one read hit and consists of a list of values that are assigned to variables, as specified by the format string.

Source contains the location of the source comparison file. This is required by

the Inspector window to look-up and to display the text of BLAST

CreationDate contains the date that the data was generated.
Creator contains information on the program used to generate the data.
Format defines the format of all subsequent read hit lines.
Algorithm contains the name of the algorithm used to assigned reads.
Parameters contains the parameters used by the algorithm.
ContentType is either Full Dataset (the default) or Summary.
TotalReads contains the total number of reads.

By convention, the names of variables should be three letters long. A typical format string will

contain some of the following variables. Name type interpretation rid string Read ID rln long Read length tid string NCBI taxon ID hit long Number of hits between this read and this taxon bit double bit score of alignment exp double expected score idy double percent identity fra long frame used in BLASTX hit sfa long start position of hit in source file sfb long end position of hit in source file sum int number of reads summarized by this line

A read hit definition may contain less values than there are variables in the format line. In this case, all trialing variables are assigned a null value. To assign a null value to in variable that is not at the end of a read hit definition, use the character ’.’.

Here is an example of a MEGAN file :

@Source=megan/data.blast @CreationDate=Wed Mar 29 03:19:54 CEST 2006 @Creator=MEGAN (built 10 March 2006) @Format=rid rln tid bit exp fra sfa sfb psc 001015_0656_2350 93 003500_0107_1715 103 005388_0322_3089 101 006569_0422_3302 107 008915_0625_2885 105 235909 32.7 4.1 -2 19612521 19612874 1 004296_0382_2957 113 316273 36.2 0.37 -1 11739468 11739958 1 009643_0558_2904 92 7460 45.4 6.0E-4 +2 19781905 19782258 1

23.2 Full, Summary and Comparison MEGAN Files

MEGAN currently destinguishes between three types of text files. The @ContentType field may take on one of the three values Full Dataset, Summary or Comparison. Ina full dataset file, each line is assumed to contain a description of one read or read-hit. In a summary file, each line is assumed to contain the a taxon and the number of reads that have been assigned to it. In a comparison file, each line is assume to contain a taon and the number of reads that have been assigned to it, for two or more datasets which are specified further in the @Format line.

(Future versions of MEGAN might not support the full dataset format.)

23.3 Required Syntax of BLAST Files

MEGAN imports data from a BLAST file . MEGAN can parse BLAST files in standard or XML format obtained using the BLAST output option -m 0 or -m 7, respectively. MEGAN can also parse tabular format (BLAST output option -m 8), however this format is generally not suitable for MEGAN because it doesn’t contain the information required to determine the taxon or COG associated with a matched sequence. MEGAN can read gzipped BLAST files .

For human readable format, any BLASTX file or BLASTP file is expected to adhere to the
format shown in Figure 1. Any BLASTN file is expected to ad here to the format shown in
Figure 2.

23.4 Required Format of Read Files

Reads from sequencing are assume to be provided in multi-FastA format in a reads file . The first word of a FastA header is assumed to be the read-id. The remaining text of the FastA header must contain the length of the read either as length=number, or as |length|length—.

23.5 Graphics Formats

The following graphics formats are supported:

    BMP, “Bitmap”.

  • EPS, “Encapsulated PostScript”, vector format.
  • GIF, “Graphics Interchange Format”.

  • JPEG, “Joint Photographic Experts Group”.
  • PDF, “Portable Document Format”, vector format.
  • PNG, “Portable Network Graphics”.

  • SVG, “Scalable Vector Graphics”, vector format.

23.6 CSV Files

MEGAN supports importing data from other programs in a comma-separated format from a CSV file , using the File→Import CSV menu item. The input file must be a text file in which either all lines each contain two strings that are separated by a comma. or all lines each contain three strings separated by commas.

Importing read assignments If each line of the CSV file contains two strings separated by a comma, then the first string will be intepreted as a taxon name or taxon id and the second string will be intepreted as an integer specifying the number of reads assigned to the named taxon.

BLASTX text text...

followed by 0 or more blocks of the following type:

Query= 'query-id' text length='length' text or Query= 'query-id' text|length|'length'|text text...

followed by 0 or more blocks of the following type:

> text ['NCBI-taxon-name'] text (line breaks ok)

Score = 'score' bits ('bits' ) Expect = 'e-value' Identities = text ('percent-identities'%) Positives = text ('percent-positives'%), Gaps = text ('percent-gaps'%) Frame = 'frame'

followed by 0 or more blocks of the following type:

Query text text Sbjct text

Figure 1: The required structure of a BLASTX file. Labels shown as label are tokens that must occur verbatim in the file. Labels shown as 'label' are values that are read into the program. The first word in the file must be BLASTX. The header line starting with Query =, which is taken from the Fasta header of the query sequence (a read), must start with a one word unique identifier for the read and must also contain a statement containing the length of the read, in the format length='length', or as |length|'length'|. Another important feature is that the comment line of the database sequence must contain a NCBI-taxon name. If names are not contained in the comment lines, then the accession lookup support must be used. Finally, the Gaps= statement is optimal.

BLASTN text text...

followed by 0 or more blocks of the following type:

Query= 'query-id' text length='length' text or Query= 'query-id' text|length|'length'|text text...

followed by 0 or more blocks of the following type:

> text 'NCBI-taxon-name' text (line breaks ok)

Score ='score' bits ('bits' ) Expect ='e-value' Identities = text ('percent-identities'%) Gaps = text ('percent-gaps'%) Strand= 'strand' / 'strand'

followed by 0 or more blocks of the following type:

Query text text Sbjct text

Figure 2: The required structure of a BLASTN file. Labels shown as label are tokens that must occur verbatim in the file. Labels shown as 'label' are values that are read into the program. The first word in the file must be BLASTN. The header line starting with Query=, which is taken from the Fasta header of the query sequence (a read), must start with a one word unique identifier for the read and must also contain a statement containing the length of the read, in the format length='length'. Another important feature is that the comment line of the database sequence must contain a NCBI-taxon name. If names are not contained in the comment lines, then the accession lookup support must be used.

MEGAN will assume that this is the result of some analysis and thus will produce a summary file from it and will simply display it on the NCBI taxonomy with no further analysis.

For example, assume that you have done a metagenome analysis using some other method and have obtained the following result:

  • Gammaproteobacteria: 55 reads
  • Mollicutes: 400 reads
  • Escherichia coli K12: 42 reads
  • Unknown: 100 reads

To import this data into MEGAN so as to visualize the taxonomical assignments, produce the following CSV file:

Gammaproteobacteria, 55 Mollicutes, 400 Escherichia coli K12, 42 Unassigned, 100

MEGAN will draw a tree with four nodes, one for each of the named taxa.

Importing read matches Otherwise, if each line of the CSV file contains three strings separated by a comma, the first string will be interpreted as a read id, the second one as a taxon name or id and the third one will be interpreted as a bit score for this assignment. MEGAN will assume that this data describes a collection of reads and their matches. This data will be analysed using the LCA algorithm and the result will be displayed on the NCBI taxonomy.

For example, assume that you have done a database search using some other method than BLAST and have obtained the following result:

  • The read r01 matches Escherichia coli CFT073 with a bitscore of 100,
  • The read r01 matches Escherichia coli K12 with a bitscore of 110, and
  • The read r01 matches Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Choleraesuis str. SC-B67 with a bitscore of 120.
  • The read r02 matches Caldicellulosiruptor saccharolyticus DSM 8903 with a bitscore of 90.

To import this data into MEGAN so as to analyze is using the LCA algorithm, produce the following CSV file:

r01, Escherichia coli CFT073, 100 r01, Escherichia coli K12, 110 r01, Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Choleraesuis str. SC-B67,120 r02, Caldicellulosiruptor saccharolyticus DSM 8903, 90.

23.7 Tree and Map Format

The NCBI taxonomy is loaded by MEGAN at startup. It is contained in a NCBI tree file in the standard Newick tree format. The mapping from taxon-IDs to taxon names is loaded by MEGAN at startup. It is contained contained in a NCBI mapping file in a line based format in which each has three entries: taxon-ID, taxon name and then a number indicating the size of the genome, or -1, if the size is unknown.

24 Command-Line Options and Mode

MEGAN has the following command-line options:

-t <String> (default=""): tree file -i <String> (default=""): ID to name mapping file -fc <String> (default=""): COGS definition file -f <String> (default=""): MEGAN file -fs <String> (default=""): Synonyms file -ld <String> (default=""): Accession lookup directory -p <String> (default="Megan.def"): Properties file -m <int> (default=0): minimum score +g <switch> (default=true): gui mode +w <switch> (default=true): show message window -x <String> (default=""): Execute this command at startup (non-gui mode only) -V <switch> (default=false): show version string -S <switch> (default=false): silent mode -d <switch> (default=false): debug mode +s <switch> (default=true): show startup splash screen -h <switch> (default=false): Show usage

Launching the program with option +g will make the program run in non-GUI command-line mode , first excuting any command given with the -x option and then reading additional commands from standard input.

Please be aware that the command-line version of the program uses the same properties file as the interactive version. So, any preferences set using the interactive version of the program will also apply to the command-line version of the program. It this is not desired, then please use the -p option to supply a different properties file.

Another important thing to note is that the command-parser operates in a line-by-line fashion. When processing commands in a given line, the parser makes note of required updates to the taxonomy and data-structures. These updates are not executed until all commands in the current input line have been processed. For example, if you want to open and MEGAN file and then to save a picture of the taxonomical analysis in a PDF file, then the two commands should be entered on separate lines because otherwise the taxonomy will be drawn before the data from the MEGAN file has been processed. Here is an example of the correct way to produce a picture of a dataset:

open meganfile=myfile.rma exportgraphics format=PDF file=myfile.pdf

Alternatively, the update command can be used to explicitly force MEGAN to update all data-structures, e.g.:

open meganfile=myfile.rma; update; exportgraphics format=PDF file=myfile.pdf

As described below, the update command takes a number of different parameters that can be used to determine exactly what type of update is required.

All commands supplied using the -x command-line option are parsed as if they were contained in one line. So, here the update command must be used to ensure that commands are completed when necessary. To open a file, print the taxonomical analysis and then close the file using the -x option, enter the following:

-x "open meganfile=myfile.rma; update;exportgraphics format=PDF file=myfile.pdf;quit"

Here is a summary of the commands available in command-line mode:

Creating a new MEGAN project and reopening projects: import blastfile=name [readfile=name] meganfile=name maxmatches=num [minscore=num] [minscorebylength] [toppercent=num] [winscore=num] [minsupport=num]; Import BLAST and reads file and create a new MEGAN file

open meganfile=name; Open the named MEGAN file save meganfile=name [summary=bool]; Save summary or comparison to a file.

export data={reads|blast} file=name [taxid=num]; Export all reads or matches. If taxid!=0, only those assigned to the givent taxon export data=CSV file=name format={readid_taxonname|taxonname_count|taxonname_readid|readid_taxonid|taxonid_count|taxonid_readid}; Export reads or counts in CSV (comma separated values) format

Setting thresholds and options: set minscore=num; Set the minimum bit score set minscorebylength=num; Set the minimum bit score divided by read length set toppercent=num; Set the percentage win against top score set winscore=num; Set the win score set minsupport=num; Set the minimum number of reads that must support a taxon enable labels=selected; Enable all selected taxa enable all; Enable all taxa disable labels=selected; Disable all selected taxa (i.e. don’t use them when placing reads set ignore_duplicate_matches=bool; ignore duplicate matches in data set ignore_nohits=bool; ignore reads with no hits in data set useparsetext=bool ; option for import command: parse text embedded in BLAST file to identify taxa set usesynonyms=bool [open lookupdir=dir]; option for import command: use synonyms imported from the given directory set useaccessionlookup=bool [open lookupdir=dir]; option for import command: use accession-number lookup tables imported from the given directory

Comparison of multiple datasets: compare mode={absolute|relative} pid=num pid=num...; Show comparison of different datasets in new window (GUI mode) compare mode={absolute|relative} meganfile=name meganfile=name...; Compute comparison of different datasets (command-line mode)

Listing information: list summary=all; Summarize assignment of reads to all nodes list summary=selected; Summarize assignment of reads to selected nodes list summary=assigned; Summarize assignments list COGs=all; Summarize COGs for all nodes list COGs=all; Summarize COGs for all selected nodes list reads2hits; Lists all reads and hits, use only for small datasets list key=name [label=name];List for each key how many reads hit the key list strong threshold=num; List the number of ’strong’ nodes for given threshold list disabled; ; List all disabled taxa

Collapsing and uncollapsing nodes: collapse all; Collapse all nodes collapse selection; Collapse all selected nodes collapse level=number; Collapse taxonomy at the given numerical level collapse level=name; Collapse taxonomy at the named taxonomical level collapse taxa=t1 t2...; Collapse all named taxa uncollapse all; Uncollapse all nodes uncollapse selection; Uncollapse all selected nodes uncollapse subtrees; Uncollapse whole subtree for selected nodes uncollapse taxa=t1 t2...; Uncollapse all named taxa show tree=full; Show the full taxonomy show tree=induced; Show the induced taxonomy

Visualization: set nodedrawer=name; Sets the node drawer: circle, piechart, heatmap, heatmap2 or meters


set drawleavesonly=boolean; Draw leaves only?

set fontsize=number; Set font size

set autolayoutlabels=boolean; Set auto-layout of labels on/off

set margin [left=num] [right=num] [top=num] [bottom=num]; Set the margin around the tree

show labels=selected; Display labels for all selected nodes

hide labels=selected; Hide labels for all selected nodes

hide labels=intermediate; Hide labels for all intermediate nodes

nodelabels names=bool ids=bool assigned=bool summarized=bool;

Set what to label nodes by

nodesize scaleby={summary|assigned};

Set whether to scale nodes by summary or assigned reads

set highlightdifferences=bool; In a comparison of two datasets, turn difference hightlighting on or off Scaling:

expand direction=horizontal; Expand image horizontally

contract direction=horizontal; Contract image horizontally

expand direction=vertical; Expand image vertically

contract direction=vertical; Contract image vertically

zoom selection; Zoom to current selection of nodes Selection:

select all; Select all nodes

select none; Deselect all nodes

select leaves; Select all leaves

select internal; Select all internal nodes

select subtree; Select all nodes in subtrees below selected

select intermediate; Select all intermediate nodes

select level=name; Select all nodes at named taxonomical level


find searchtext=text target={Nodes|Collapsed|Edges|ReadIDs} [all=bool] [regex=bool] [wholeword=bool] [respectcase=bool];

Find and select the next label matching the given search text

replace searchtext=text replacetext=text [target={Nodes|Collapsed|Edges|ReadIDs}] [all=bool]

[regex=bool] [wholeword=bool] [respectcase=bool];

Find and select the next label matching the given search text Reading, writing and parsing synonyms and taxonomy files:

open synonymsfile=name; Open and load the named synonyms file

set usesynonyms=bool; Use loaded taxon-name synonyms when importing data

load lookupdir=name; Load accession lookup files from the named directory

set useaccessionlookup=bool; Use the loaded accession lookup data when importing data

open mappingfile=name; Open the named mapping file

open taxonomyfile=name; Open the named taxonomy file

open cogsfile=name; Open the named COGs definition ’whog.txt’ file

save taxonomyfile=name; Save the taxonomy to the named file

parse ncbifile=name; Extract taxonomy from NCBI dump file Charting:

chart taxa; Chart taxonomical analysis

chart go; Chart all occurrences of GO terms

chart cogs [summy=bool]; Chart all occurrences of COGs

chart attributes; Chart all microbial attributes Additional computations:

extract outdir=outDir outfile=outFileNameTemplate [summarized=bool] {taxa={taxon names}|cogs={COG-ids}|gos={GO-ids}};

Extract all reads that are assigned to any named taxon, COG ids or GO-ids

When extracting by taxa, report all reads on or below taxon, if summarized=true

In outFileNameTemplate every occurrence of %t is replaced by the corresponding taxon name

subsample percent=num; Randomly select a subset of reads Other: exportgraphics [format={EPS|PNG|GIF|JPG|SVG|PDF}] [replace=bool] [textasshapes=bool] [title=title] file=filename; Export a picture of the current tree recompute [minsupport=num] [minscore=num] [minscorebylength=num] [toppercent=num] [winscore=num;

Rerun the LCA analsyis with different parameters

dump file=name; Dump the complete contents of an RMA file to a human readable file

update [reprocess=bool] [reset=bool] [reinduce=bool];

Update the computation

set window [width=num] [height=num] [x=num] [y=num];

Size and location of main window

show vint=bool; Show version string in title of windows

help; List this help

about; List information about MEGAN

version; List version info

quit ; Quit the program

25 Examples

Example files can be downloaded from the MEGAN website.


26 Using More Memory

To run MEGAN with more than 2GB under MacOS X on an intel Mac, edit the file /Applications/MEGAN/ as follows: Find the lines

<key>VMOptions</key> <string>-server -Xmx1600M</string><!--I4J_INSERT_VMOPTIONS -->

and replace then by:

<key>VMOptions</key> <string>-server -d64 -Xmx4000M</string><!--I4J_INSERT_VMOPTIONS -->

to run using 4GB (for example).

To run MEGAN with more than 2GB on a 64-bit unix/linux system, open the file /Applications/megan/MEGAN in a text editor. Find the current memory specification

(e.g. -Xmx1600M) and replace it by the following -d64 -Xmx4G to run with 4 gigabytes of memory, say. Note that the flag -d64 is necessary to specify 64 Bit Java.

27 Acknowledgments

This product includes software developed by the Apache Software Foundation (http://www., namely the batik library for generating image files. It also contains JFreeChart to construct charts, BrowserLauncher2 for opening browser windows, iText for generating pdf files and MRJAdapter , a Java package used to help construct user interfaces for the Apple Macintosh. Licenses can be found in the installation directory.


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