The Animal QTLdb Release
Dec 23, 2018


Release 37

(Dec 23, 2018): A sum of 5,763 new QTL have been added to the database. (New additions less obsolete/retracted ones: Catfish: 0; Cattle: 4,055; Chicken: 127; Horse: 628; Pig: 757; Sheep: 196; Rainbow trout: 0 -- Net increase: 5,763). The current total number of QTL in the database: 164,262 [Breakdown by species -- Cattle: 120,122; Chicken: 10,944; Horse: 2,023; Pig: 28,720; Sheep: 2,325; Rainbow trout: 128]
( This is a joint release with the 5th CorrDB release)

Database developments: (1) A QTL/association data enrichment test tool has been implemented in the Animal QTLdb. The tool takes a set of selected traits to perform a genome-wide data distribution analysis with Chi-square test of a two-way contingency table (traits by chromosomes) for the most plausible locations where certain traits may be over-represented. The tool has been reported in our recent paper "Building a livestock genetic and genomic information knowledgebase through integrative developments of Animal QTLdb and CorrDB" published on the upcoming Nucleic Acids Research 2019 Database issue. (2) An improved version of the QTL/association data enrichment test tool was made available recently to allow user defined sizes of chromosome regions for enrichment test. The new feature is to be presented on the upcoming Plant and Animal Genome meeting in San Diego, with a poster titled: "Implementation of a new data enrichment analysis tool in the Animal QTL Database". (3) Automated updates of the Animal QTLdb user visits and data download activities is added to the web site (on the main page, see light cyan text below the graph column on the right hand side). The text is hyper-linked to a world map showing locations of unique visitors to the database, which is also made available recently. (4) A new Ensembl gene models for the new cattle genome build BovARS_1.2 is added to its JBrowse tracks that align with QTL/associaitons, Genbank annotations, and SNP liftover locations.

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