AnGenMap Archived Post

From listmasteranimalgenome.org  Sun May 21 13:14:08 2023
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From: "francesca bertolini" <francesca.bertolini3unibo.it>
Postmaster: submission approved by list moderator
To: Members of AnGenMap <angenmapanimalgenome.org>
Subject: Apply for a Marie Skłodowska-Curie postdoc
        fellowship with the University of Bologna
Date: Sun, 21 May 2023 13:14:08 -0500
Dear all,

We are looking for two postdoctoral fellows who are interested in writing
a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action (MSCA) to work at the University of
Bologna (https://www.unibo.it/en/homepage), Department of Agricultural
and Food Sciences (https://distal.unibo.it/en/index.html) in the Animal
and Food Genomics Group (https://site.unibo.it/...and-food-genomics/en).

Two candidates will be selected, each for one of the two topics:
1) Pig genomics and metabolomics;
2) Apiculture/honey bee genomics.

If you are interested, please contact us by the 20th of June 2023.

The deadline for the MSCA application is on the 13th of September 2022.

The University of Bologna is a top-ranked university in Italy, the first
university in Italy for attractiveness of Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe
funds, the first university in Italy in the QS World University Rankings
by Subject 2023 “Agriculture & Forestry”. The Department of Agricultural
and Food Sciences is a Department of Excellence in Italy (2023-2025), as
defined by the Italian Ministry of Research.

We offer a vibrant and international environment, equipped and modern
laboratories and computational infrastructures, already secured
competitive research funds and competencies to carry on research projects
in the fields of 1) pig breeding, genetics, genomics, and metabolomics,
2) apicultural genomics.

We are also working in several other fields including cattle genomics,
rabbit genomics, aquaculture genomics, environmental DNA, food
authentication and traceability and livestock phenomics.

If you are not currently residing in Italy and would like to submit a
Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action application for a European fellowship with
us, please contact and send us your CV by the 20th of June 2023. We will
provide you with writing guidance, support, and contacts.

Any nationality can apply for the European fellowships based on the
following rules:

- Should have a PhD degree at the time of the deadline for applications.
Applicants who have successfully defended their doctoral thesis but have
not yet formally been awarded the doctoral degree will also be considered
eligible to apply;

- Must have a maximum of eight years of experience in research, from the
date of the award of their PhD degree, years of experience outside
research and career breaks will not count towards the above maximum, nor
will years of experience in research in third countries, for nationals or
long-term residents of EU Member States or Horizon Europe Associated
Countries who wish to reintegrate to Europe;

- Should comply with mobility rules: they must not have resided or
carried out their main activity in Italy for more than 12 months in the
36 months immediately before the call deadline.

Please see all details here: https://marie-sklodowska-curie-

For any information and discussion about possible projects and how life
is in Bologna, do not hesitate to contact us. Remember that the sooner we
are contacted, the more support we can provide in writing the grant. An
interview will be planned, and only two valuable candidates will be

Luca Fontanesi luca.fontanesiunibo.it
Francesca Bertolini francesca.bertolini3unibo.it



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