AnGenMap Archived Post

From listmasteranimalgenome.org  Wed Nov  8 15:27:47 2023
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From: "beatriz.gutierrez" <beatriz.gutierrezunileon.es>
Postmaster: submission approved by list moderator
To: Members of AnGenMap <angenmapanimalgenome.org>
Subject: PhD predoctoral contract vacancy
Date: Wed, 08 Nov 2023 15:27:47 -0600
Dear All,

The Group of Animal Genetics of the University of León (@MEGA_ULE) is
offering a PhD predoctoral contract vacancy associated with a research
project focused on resilience in dairy sheep. Enthusiastic candidates are
wellcome to send us the CV. See details below.

We would be grateful if you can forward it to potential interested

Kind regards


Dear All,  from the Group of Animal Genetics of the University of Leon,
Spain, we have a PhD contract vacancy,

I would be grateful if you could  send to potential interested candidates,

PhD contract offer at MEGA-ULE group

- Research Project: RESILSHEEP: Study of general resilience in dairy sheep:
  definition of indicator traits, possibilities for genetic improvement and
  characterization of the molecular basis

- Funding: National Research Spanish Agency (AECI) (also based on European
  funding). Ref. PID2022-138676OB-I00

- PhD Contract Call: see conditions of contract at

- Academic requirements: The desired candidate should have a Degree/Master in:
   - Veterinary Sciences, Animal Sciences, Agricultural Engineering,
     Biology, Biotechnology, or similar fields
   - Also, a Degree in Mathematics/Informatics with a master in
     Bioinformatics/Genomics can be suitable

- Desired candidate abilities: the following aspects will be considered
  although they are not mandatory.

   - knowledge of quantitative genetics (genetic parameters estimation, etc)
   - computational skills (linux, phyton, sas, R programming)
   - management of large datasets
   - experience in bioinformatic analysis of SNP-chip and Next Generation
     Sequencing datasets

- Timeline: Start of the contract, ~ 1st of January 2024,

- Interested candidates: Send your CV and Academic Certificates to
  beatriz.gutierrezunileon as soon as possible (as the successful candidate
  should do registration in Doctorate School in December).

Dra. Beatriz GUTIÉRREZ Gil
Dpto. Animal Production,
Faculty of Veterinary Sciences,
University of León,
León, Spain



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