AnGenMap Archived Post

From listmasteranimalgenome.org  Sun Dec  3 13:01:03 2023
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From: "Li Menghua" <menghua.liioz.ac.cn>
Postmaster: submission approved by list moderator
To: Members of AnGenMap <angenmapanimalgenome.org>
Subject: Announcement: the 4th World Conference on Sheep
        (WCG2022), onsite-online integrated hybrid model,
        Jan. 5-8, 2024, Beijing
Date: Sun, 03 Dec 2023 13:01:03 -0600
Dear ALL,

It is our great pleasure again to introduce to you the event, the 4th World
Conference on Sheep (WCS2022) to be held in January 5-8, 2024 in Beijing,
P.R. China.

As most of you remembered, we have been struggling in the preparation of this
event since early 2022. However, things are still not as easy as what we used
to handle before the pandemic.

To speed up the process and make the event as successful as we can, we will
organize the 4th WSC both on-site (offline) and also virtually (online),
therefore we will have an excellent opportunity to interact each other as
much as we can. To facilitate the registration and the official invitation of
your visit and attendance to the 4th WSC in China, please send the title and
abstract of your talk, your short CV (around 200 words) including contact
information to: WCS2020beijing163.com. We will send the registered
participants the conference program and the online system guideline in a due

Research abstract is welcome, and the organisation committe will select
speakers from the submitted abstract. If you would like to give a talk,
please indicate the name of speaker in the submitted abstract. The submitted
abstract should be in the format of the journal "Animal Genetics'. We will
organise the proceedings for the conference afterwards. Last but not least,
please do bear with our apology if some of you have not been contacted before
for this event!

We may be able to invite you for any offline activities, but the option for
virtual meeting will be always possible. New announcements with further
details will be available soon for the participants.

Thanks and best wishes,

the WCS organisation committe



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