

Displays the two-points LOD matrix for all currently active markers.

Synopsis :

The mrklod2p command is invoked either as:


mrklod2p prints the two-points LOD for all pairs of loci in the list of currently selected loci.

Arguments :


# we first load a data set
CG> dsload Data/
{1 f2 backcross 20 208 /home/tschiex/Dev/carthagene/doc/user/exemple/Data/b...
# and select some markers in it
CG> mrkselset {11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20}

# then ask for the 2pt LOD matrix
CG> mrklod2p

             11    12    13    14    15    16    17    18    19    20
           MS11  MS12  MS13  MS14  MS15  MS16  MS17  MS18  MS19  MS20
    MS11 |------ 10.9  11.9   3.6   3.6   5.5   0.1   0.4   0.6   0.5
    MS12 | 10.9 ------ 18.7   3.6  26.5  25.9   2.1   4.6   4.2   4.3
    MS13 | 11.9  18.7 ------  6.0   4.7   9.7   0.9   0.7   0.6   0.7
    MS14 |  3.6   3.6   6.0 ------  0.0   3.6   1.5   0.0   0.5   0.7
    MS15 |  3.6  26.5   4.7   0.0 ------ 26.6   3.8   6.9   6.9   6.2
    MS16 |  5.5  25.9   9.7   3.6  26.6 ------  6.3  10.3   8.2   7.7
    MS17 |  0.1   2.1   0.9   1.5   3.8   6.3 ------ 16.0  14.1  11.3
    MS18 |  0.4   4.6   0.7   0.0   6.9  10.3  16.0 ------ 27.1  22.9
    MS19 |  0.6   4.2   0.6   0.5   6.9   8.2  14.1  27.1 ------ 34.8
    MS20 |  0.5   4.3   0.7   0.7   6.2   7.7  11.3  22.9  34.8 ------

See also:

Thomas Schiex 2009-10-27